Vaquita" project

Project SOS Vaquita Phocoena sinus California porpoise Vaquitas

Project SOS Vaquita don't quit Phocoena sinus Vaquitas

SOS Vaquitas | The vaquita ( Phocoena sinus) is on the brink of extinction. Within the last decade, the vaquita population has shrunk by 95% and there are now only 10 - 13 animals left (as of 2023).
The vaquita urgently needs our help!

With SOS Vaquita, YAQU PACHA e.V., the Nuremberg Zoo and the Verein der Tiergartenfreunde Nürnberg e.V. (Nuremberg Zoo Friends Association ) have launched an initiative to provide targeted support for conservation efforts to save the endangered vaquita.

The goal of the initiative to save the vaquitas is to make people aware of its protection, but also to raise funds needed to ensure the rescue of this endangered species.

Vaquita, don't quit!

What must happen to save the vaquita?

Saving this species and securing its population involves many costly measures. The most important are: Prohibition and compliance with set net fishing, ongoing monitoring, and on-site environmental education programs.

Project Vaquitas VaquitaCPRThe data collected as part of the initiative Donations are developed in cooperation with the National Marine Mammal Foundation our partner VaquitaCPR provided for the implementation of these activities.
Latest Stock counts from 2023 show a slight recovery of the vaquita population with 10 - 13 animals, which makes us a bit more hopeful.

Vaquitas stock 9 California porpoise Phocoena sinus

Website with more information about our project - SOS Vaquita

Saving this species is one of the main missions of YAQU PACHA. We have been active in Latin America for 30 years to protect endangered aquatic mammal species and you can help us by making a donation help us to save the vaquita from extinction.

Sea of Shadows
SEA OF SHADOWS - film about vaquitas and their threat

This graphic from the Museo de la Ballena illustrates the problem of this endangered species.

Vaquita marina entre redes

Information about Vaquitas | Project Amazon Dolphin | Videos | Summary of a successful workshop | Project Bottlenose Dolphin | Project Sotalia Dolphin | Team Germany | Species YAQU PACHA is working to protect | Species Protection | Animal Protection