This year's YAQU PACHA Annual General Meeting took place on Friday, 26.05.2023 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Natural History House of Nuremberg Zoo and our biologists and members of the society also participated in the event via Zoom conference.
Dr. Lorenzo von Fersen (1st Chairman of YAQU PACHA e.V.) led through the event. After a short introduction, our biologists from Latin America first reported on the work on their projects.
Prof. Eduardo Secchi began by presenting the projects that are being carried out with our partners from ECOMEGA FURG from the Federal University of Rio Grande FURG in Brazil. Particular attention is paid to cooperation with fishing communities and schools in order to reduce the bycatch of marine mammals in the long term and to intensify contact with fishermen. The aim of the project is also to integrate the topic of nature and species conservation into teaching in schools in the long term. Prof. Secchi's team is also working on setting up a hormone physiology laboratory for the analysis of cortisol and other hormones from samples of animal species living there. Dr. Silvina Botta participated in a training session at Dr. Mastromonaco's world-renowned laboratory at the Toronto Zoo.
Dr. Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho then reported on the work to protect the endangered vaquita. He presented the work of PESCA ABC, which uses alternative fishing methods to prevent bycatch of vaquitas. The Mexican government has also sunk heavy concrete blocks with metal hooks in the vaquitas' distribution area to prevent fishing in this area, as these metal hooks would destroy the nets. Obviously, this is already having a positive effect and fishermen seem to avoid these areas. In the last 3 weeks, Dr. Rojas-Bracho's team has again undertaken expeditions to count vaquitas and there have been sightings of animals again, which makes us feel positive.
Then Dr. Federico Sucunza from our partners GEMARS and INSTITUTO AQUALIE presented his work in the protection of the La Plata dolphin – Franciscana – Toninha and reported on the flight counts that were carried out for the first time in Uruguay in March and April. After evaluating the data, it can currently be assumed that there are about 30000 Franciscanas in Uruguay, where there is a very high mortality rate due to bycatch. To counteract this, we work together on the installation of acoustic signals, such as Pinger. Dr. Federico Sucunza also reported on our collaboration with the PROJETO PESCA team to test and establish a simple and cost-effective alternative to the pingers. It turns out that empty plastic bottles mounted in the nets are perceived by the dolphins, so that they avoid the nets. Initial tests were very successful.
Afterwards, our biologist Yurasi Briceño from our partners PROYECTO SOTALIA reported on her work in the protection of the river dolphins Inia geoffensis and Sotalia and the manatees in Venezuela. The oil production in Lake Maracaibo and the extraction of gold with the help of mercury pose a serious threat to the animals and it turns out that the mercury accumulates so much in the fish that it also becomes a serious danger to humans via the food cycle. The work of Yurasi Briceño's team extends over many areas, such as regular population counts of the animals and an important area is also environmental education.
Subsequently, Dr. von Fersen reported on the measures that are being carried out specifically to protect the endangered Lahille's bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus gephyreus) in Brazil.
Another focus of YAQU PACHA's work is capacity building, the development of competencies and the training and further education of our employees.
YAQU PACHA was also instrumental in setting up the Alliance for Franciscana Dolphin , which develops protection concepts for the endangered La Plata dolphin – Franciscana – Toninha (Pontoporia blainvillei) in various working groups.
The Latin American Journal for Aquatic Mammals LAJAM looked back on its 20th anniversary and YAQU PACHA has been the main sponsor of this important science magazine since the beginning.
In 2022, YAQU PACHA was also the main sponsor of the 19th RT of SOLAMAC, the most important working meeting for biologists working on the protection of aquatic mammals in Latin America.
Dr. von Fersen also reported on the large international workshop Human Dimension in small Cetacean Conservation, which was organized and conducted by YAQU PACHA. A final final report will follow shortly.
Another important part of our work was the collaboration with the group ECOLOGIA HUMANA DO OCEANO, LED BY OUR BIOLOGIST Camilah Antunes Zappes in Brazil and whose focus is on the relationship between humans and the environment. The main area of responsibility of the group is environmental education in schools and kindergartens and communication with fishing communities.
Sandra Honigs (2nd Chairperson, YAQU PACHA e.V.) presented the work and activities of YAQU PACHA in Germany and Europe. At this point, we would like to thank all volunteers, without whose help our events and actions would not be possible.
Finally, Dr. Lorenzo von Fersen presented the new program YAQU PACHA for Diversity , which uses the example of Lahille's bottlenose dolphin (current population 600 animals) to show why it is so important to preserve and protect biodiversity.
The detailed minutes of the Annual General Meeting with all activities of our organization will soon be available here on our website.